I talk to alot of young teenage girls who think they are unworthy of the title "Princess", and unworthy to be treated as such. Just recently i was talking to a young girl and called her a Princess, she was so excited that i called her a Princess. She told me it made her feel so special and no one had ever called her a Princess before and meant it.
I smiled as i read her message, knowing that i had made her smile and lifted her mood, even if it was just a while. It took me 10 minutes to write a message to this girl and has started a converstaion that will impact her for what i pray will be a lifetime.
The first person i recall calling me Princess and meaning it, was my bestfriend Lami. She called me a Princess and i freaked out, i didn't want to believe what she was saying. I felt dirty, unworthy and was very depressed. It was a time in my life where i was not walking with God and couldn't see hope.
Now i love being called Princess, it makes me go all warm a squishy. I know that i am worthy to be called a Princess and to be treated like a Princess, i actually would stand for nothing less than Princess treatment.
How often we stumble is not written down on a piece of paper for God to use against you, nor does He wish to. Your past is not something to be used against you, you can be forgiven - all you have to do is be sorry and ask God to forgive you. Nothing you do will make God close the door on you, you don't have to do anything to make him love you - he does uncondionally. There is nothing you can do to make him love you more.
Every girl is a Princess and every boy a prince, no matter how old ya are, no matter how much you have messed up in life. Once you have repented, your forgiven and been washed clean. We all make mistakes, we all stumble - it's not how many times we stumble, how many times and why we get up again.
"You may not know what your future holds...but you can know who holds your future"
Thanx for this Post , it is soooo true!
And I am glad you like being called princess now :)
Kelly, you are so amazing.
I must ask, were you talking about me?
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to explain myself and get a new friend.
Most of all thank you for making me feel like a princess for the fist time in my life.
I will try my hardest to get closer to God and follow his directions.
Yes i was talking about you Princess. Never knew you would see it though. I am happy u did.
You are a Princess and always will be..
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