I look at these pictures and my heart beats faster, I long for to adopt a child just like one of these gorgeous children.
God, you have been so HUGE, even when i never seen it. I am so greatful.
I have always had a dream of adopting a black child. NOT BECAUSE I AM RACIST, I am far from it.
I just have a passionate heart when it comes to black children, i see them equal to the every one else and i want them in my family too. I would never just adopt white children to make them look like more or nuffin. But because i wat to show a child i love them, i want to be a mom to them, i want to care for them, wipe their noses when thay have colds, and put a bandaid on their scraped knee.
My heart desires this, i see in my past, God has worked in my life. Not only was i engaged to the wrong guy at 17, i was engaged to someone who had been in Jail. God knew he was the wrong one, he knew about my ex's past, and he knew about the PCOD. If i has of stayed with Russell i would never have the chance of adopting. Not with his criminal history..
All glory be to God, Lord, i give you all my praise.
This was written 0n spot about my future Husband
I am here waiting for the man
My Father is preparing,
As He prepares our hearts
And cleans our lives,
I'll Be dreaming of my husband tonight.
I will go to bed and say my prayers,
For the family we are going to have,
and the love that we will share.
God is preparing my heart just for you
I'm open to the Father,
And am trusting Him with you.
Each day i love you more
even though i cannot see your face,
your personality is a mystery
But i know your a man of faith.
Tonight i go to bed Trusting,
and am open to change,
God be willing -
I'll see you soon.
I need my husband to have our family together. Oh Lord, i am excited
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