I look at my son with his big brown eyes, smile and adorable dymples. He looks at his Mama with so much love and admiration, he makes my heart beat faster.
Before i feel pregnant i was depressed, suicidal, and withdrawn. I walked to the beach and fell on the sand and cried to God "Give me a reason i want not to kill myself, i wanna kill myself now". Instantly i felt God tell me i was pregnant.
At first i was in disbelief, and didn't think it was possible. I had waited so long to fall pregnant, it was my dream. A few days later i brought a home pregnancy test, and waited. I didn't take my eyes off the test and then the moment i went to look away i seen something change.
The test was positive, and i almost fell off the toilet. I went to the doctor and it was confirmed. I was just overwhelmed and so thankful!
I was 18, pregnant, single, and unemployed. Life was better than ever. I was happy, i was focused and stopped all self harm. I had a feeling i was gonna have a baby boy. And i did. Lachlan Scott was born on the 19th september 2004.
Recently i was looking through a baby name website and seen Lachlan written, meaning : from the lake.
When i concieved Lachlan it was at a park with a little lake, when i God told me i was pregnant, i was at the pool (which for us is a salt water lake.
I never knew the meaning until not long ago. Everyday i get signs from God that my little man was a miracle. A gift from God. I cannot be happier with my life at the moment, i can feel God moving in my life, my son is healthy and we are both very happy.
I do not worry about my future, for i know whatever happens i know it is in God's plan.
Do not be anxious about anthing, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. - Philippians 4:6
I Praise God for your Little man, and for you.
I am glad he protected you and I got to know you :-)
we are happy we got to know you too princess. Your an amazing friend, and sould sista. Your are an awesome Godmother too!
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