Ever lose track of things, wonder who you are and where you belong ? Maybe ya don't feel like you fit in, your not good enough. God never made YOU to be a second rate version of someone else, and nor did He make you to fit into the mould society has made. I urge you to be who you are and love yourself, If God wanted another Jane, Bob or Bill down the road he would of made one, but her never, He made You.
You were NOT made a car, made to please human. You are not unbreakable, you are allowed to crack. God does not look on your body for beauty, he looks at your heart - where true beauty lies. The human eye is to egar to look on the human body, judge beauty by looks.
Constantly i hear people telling me how they are ugly, fat and don't look good. They want to look like the people that society has painted, i want to be skinny, i want big breast, a tight buttocks and looks to dies for. Not only do many girls torture themselves with this kind of thinking, they do all they can to succeed. Not long after they are finally get what they want, their face gets wrinkles, their breast begin to sag and they put on weight again.
Why is it us humans are never pleased with our looks ?
Society continues to knock us down, many of us don't bother to get up and fight for what we know is right. We get down and depressed, bottle feelings up and refuse help. When society knocks you to your knees, you are in the position to pray, why what the heck - why not ?
Call out to God and tell him what is on your mind, ask him to feel your heart. You may not understand whats going on but God does. Ask his for help, your his precious child.
The truth is your TRUE friends would much prefer to know the real you and love u for the inside.
Don't pretend to be who your not, you do yourself no justice!

I love you, and u can never push me away. You made me go to God, He got me to write.
We would, but we live in Australia
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