I was four days overdue and startin' to get impatient, i just wanted to hold my baby & look into his eyes. I wanted to see that my precious boy was healthy. The pregnancy got difficult towards the end with complications. My sister and niece and i headed to the Foodland to do the shopping about 8.30am.. By 9am i was feeling slight little pains, but thinking it'd be too good to be true, so kept shopping! We got home about lunch time and ate. After lunch i was getting annoyed because i couldn't sit down, stand in one place or lay down coz it was uncomfy down there. I proceeded to tell my sister quiete calmly that i thought i was in labor, she was not impressed i hadn't told her earlier but proceeded to ring the hospital. Tammy spoke to my doctor's husband (who obviously is a dr too) and told him and he said he could come out and do an internal. I refused to see a male doctor and requested my doctor.
I rang my bestfriend Lami and mom to let them know what was happening.I went up to the hospital where Dr Lisa examined me and said i was 3 cm dialated and i could go home and to come back when the pain got too much. So i went home and went for a walk around the town, came home and played Yahtzee. A few hours passed and the contractions were about a minute apart, but hey i wanted to finish my game of yahtzee! I had only just told Tammy when the phone rang! My doctor rang the hospital to see if i had been back, when they said no she demanded they ring me! Tammy told them my contractions were a minute apart and they told me to come up right away, so i had to leave my game!!
Lisa examined me again and broke the waters about 9pm.I paced the floor, and read some magazines. Everytime a contraction would come, i looked Tammy in the eye till it passed. Around 11pm the pain was getting stronger and i was feeling the contractions, the nurses had swap over though so i went to ring mom. They moved me to the labour ward about 12.15am, i headed straight for the shower. I came out in those sexy little gowns they give ya!! The midwife put the trace on and i stayed for about an hour. The pain was getting stronger and i had this midwife telling me to bounce on a ball, she was soo persistant and i felt like sticking the thing where the sun don't shine! I finally annoyed her enough and she left.I headed back for a shower, quiete happy there was just Tammy & i alone. I came back out and tried to find some decent music to listen to, surprise there was none! I got back on the bed and talked to Tammy.
Around 1.45am i decided to try the gass, and it never done a thing other than give me head spins. I was tired and worried i would have an epileptic seizure. I agreed to a small peth shot about 2.15am, once i had that i drifted for about 20 minutes. I woke up and rushed to the toilet, i sat on the bed talking to tammy for a while and then told the midwife it was time to push, she insisted it wasn't. I demanded she go get the other midwife, and she did, they done the internal and go " you can start pushing". i felt like poking fun at the stupid one!
One midwife ran of to call the doctor and the other stayed with me. I began pushing at 3.20am, once i began pushing i let go of my sisters hand and held the rail on the bed (for her sake)! The doctor came in right in the middle of the third push, soon as she took a look she called Tammy to have a look. Then i seen her look again and say "somethings gonna give", straight away i knew she meant i would tear! I screamed NOOOO but it was too late. Lachlan Scott slid into the world at 3.48am, Sunday the 19th of September 2004.They threw him straight onto me. I gave him a cuddle and they took him to clear his mouth etc.. My sister looked like she was gonna pass out.
I done the whole placenta thingy! It was huge it took up the whole dish!! Lisa checked Lachlan over and told me that he was perfect, they handed him to my sister to have a cuddle. Midwifes dried him whilst the dr looked over me, she put my legs up in styrups and proceeded to tell me it was worse than she thought and she'd have to stitch, then gave me a needle so i wouldn't feel it! Lisa stitched me for a good hour and half, the deadner happened to wear off for the last few stitches and it totally hurt worse than labor!! I got in my wheelchair and Lachie and i went to the room, i went in for a quick shower and came out.The midwife brought in the scales and asked me how much i thought Lachlan weighed, i said 8'3. We popped him on the scales and he weighed 10'5. I laughed to myself and thought about my bestfriend tormenting me the whole time i was pregnant saying Lachlan would be huge.
Lachlan Scott Griffiths
D.O.B: Sunday 19th September 2004
T.O.B: 3.48am
Length: 53cm
Head: 34cm
No i didn't swear, no i never screamed, and nope i never cried with pain. This girl has a high pain tolerance!!Tho' i have to admit, pain killers weren't my thing. But Prayer was the top of the list.
God is better than Panadol - He relieves the pain!