It was 11.27pm when my eyes were drawn to the time on the computer, i slowly watched as time ticke over to September the 11th.
4 years ago a tragic event of september took place, innocent people killed, average people stood up and helped save live and the nations united. You could feel the love as people drew together to help and pray.
Today i have spent time in prayer for everyone effected by september the 11th and remberance for those who perished. As i cleaned my room i reached into a bag where i found a letter from a friend, this letter was written just after the twin tower incident.
I was 16 and a baby christian, he was 18 with a strong relationship with Christ. He spoke of how desensitsed he felt to what had happened. Then also wrote "everyone else bought my act of being okay, no one bothered to look behind the mask. how did you know". To be honest i don't know how i knew Chris wasn't okay, i just took the time to speak to him, and look into his eyes. Then i took the time to find out what was going on. In life many of us walk by people not taking notice of who they are or even take the time to second guess if they are okay. It takes a tragedy for someone to stand and take notice.

Many brave men and women gave up their time, money and some even their lives to reach out a resue others. Wouldn't it be good if everyday we had the same heart as when tradgedy occurs, it would make the world so much better.
Today i have spent time remembering those who perished in the tragedy of the twin towers. Men, women and children died, not only was that tragic enough but it sent a wave of pain, shock and devastation around the world.
Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, friends all lost loved ones. The deaths of those they loved changing their live forever.
People came together to pray Father, and rejoiced in the life that was found. We grieved for strangers. My hearts desire is to see the world unite, see each person love one another and care about what happens to them.
Be with all all the people that were touched by this Lord, especially the ones who lost loved ones.
In Jesus name,
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