I was going through some poems and i seen this one written By Amanda Kavin. I changed the names at the end of course, personal thing between my bestfriend and i. Princess this one makes me think of you.
My Best Friend
It wasn't long ago that I was another person
I was quiet and shut people out for no reason
I would smile but it wouldn't symbolize happiness
Then one day I met a friend that would soon be my best.
She made me happy and opened me up without even knowing
We always had so much fun, it was clear where this friendship was going
When I needed her the most she was always there
We always had so many laughs and cries to share.
Every time we talked or laughed the more we would bond
Girl, you know that you always have my shoulder to cry on
If only you knew how important you being my friend means to me
I hope that we are forever Bob and Larry.
*Has warm and sqooshy feelings*
I love you
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