Today i went to church, worship was good.
But, you know how sometimes there is one person puts you off?
Well, we were sitting infront of that woman this morning.
This woman was singing the song and adding extra words, talking in tongues loudly, randomly calling out "whoohoooo" and other things. I was very distracted and found it hard to get into worship. I wasn't the only member of the church disturbed. Then when our Pastor was praying she was rude enough to be talking and saying she had to go home and put lunch on etc..
I don't have a problem with people talking in tongues, and hey i don't even care if they sing out of tune. If they are trying, worshipping and are happy then good on them. Really. It was just this one woman. Blah!
In my life i have felt God showing me that i am moving forward. None of the things i have done are really big. But they are deliberate choices to make changes in my life. Joining craft, talking to other parents at the school, giving someone my number if they need help, lettign someone know i will help if i can. Yes, little thing are important.
Little things are footprints in my life, footprints of me moving forward. No i'm not good at running forward and i'm not good at leaping forward. But i'm proud of myself for taking steps.
I can see my life growing, God is giving me dreams and i can feel his arms around me.
Friends, i am not perfect. I won't be on this earth. But i can keep trying my best while i'm on earth. Today i prayed to God that he would re-birth thirst for The word of God, and re-birth hunger for God. I have 2 goals i would like to set. I will share them with you.
1. I have been slack on my praying. I would like to pray for 30 minutes (at least) a day. Time to talk with God. (this is apart from the night time prayers).
2. I want to read the bible 3 times a week (at least).
You may say 30 minutes and 3 times a week. Thats not much. And to be honest with you no it isn't alot. But it is better than what i have been doing. God knows my heart and he knows this is an effort. I will build on to it more.
My Pastor said something that stayed with me today. "You will enter how you left". He went on to explain that God had spoken to him. The message was the way we leave a situation is the way we will enter the other.
So i have made a choice to set these goals. I will make a choice to do them. Each time i pray to God i will pray with the heart of a child, a child talking with her Father. I encourage you to do the same.

1 comment:
Well done Princess :-)
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