In 3 weeks i turn 21 years old.
When i spoke to mum today she was upset.
She said the nursing home thinks Dad probably won't be coming home for my birthday.
Because his sugar levels are still really high etc..
I understand that it for his own good if he needs to be there.
And i really do want the best for him but it hurts so bad.
My 16th birthday my dad wasn't able to celebrate with me due to sickness and circunstances.
My 18th birthday i was young happy and celebrated with some friends.
But for my 21st i was looking forward to celebrating with Dad there. It meant alot.
Prayer is powerful and in 2 days i have had 2 prayers answered.
Praise God.
I am just praying now Dad improves enough to come home..
aww *hugs* Hope you have a fab day anyway....and remember nothing will EVER keep your heavenly Father away!!
Can I unquote you ;-P
At 18 you were young and had a mask that appeared you were happy, got sloshed and thought it was fun, but was just a pain killer for your hurting soul.
I feel for you Princess.
I know how much you care about your Dad.
I pray he can be there also, even for just a short time during the day.
It is really important to have family.
I'm here if you wanna soak my shoulder.
Even if you can't have your dad there i hope you have a great day. You'll be a proper grown up now!
Happy birthday for 3 weeks
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