Today i started my little man on the failsafe diet.
I really knew nothing about this diet and still am just starting to learn.
I brought a folder yesterday to keep all the information in.. HAHA
It is hard work, and i do appreciate the work of Lami- who does the shopping.
But i hope this is what works for Lachlan.
His behaviour has reached a point where something had to be done.
Hopefully it is the food he was eating causing his behaviour, because then it can change..
It's been hard for me and everyone i live with.
Lachlan's behaviour at times has had the ability to drive you up the wall.
In a way i feel sorry for the little guy, if it is the food that has been the cause he has been in so much trouble at times...
I'll let ya'll know if his behaviour improves :-)
1 comment:
I seriously believe that alot of so called 'ADD' or 'ADHD' (or whatever this weeks catchphrase is) could honestly be fixed with a change of diet. Imagine what would happen if you ate the same proportion of sugar and red food dye or whatever, (For arguments sake if he weighs 10kg and you weigh 50kg) 1 bowl of cocopops would now be 5 bowls 2 glasses of coke would be 10. Imagine how hyperactive you would be on that sugar.
Don't get me wrong i'm not judging if your son ate those foods before but I'm just saying that it's hard to know what's right to eat for yourself let alone someone else especially when you've got company's like kellogs telling you that cocopops has all these vitamins but ignoring the fact that the same vitamins could be got out of rice bubbles with none of the sugar.
Theres my little rant for the day (sorry to use your blog for it - I really need to start ranting in my own blog)
Good luck with the diet I hope it goes well! (If it works let me know what's in it for when I have kids).
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