Hi everyone.
How are you all? It's so glad to back in communication with my friends. I have missed you all. You have all been in my thought, prayers, and discussions with myself at some point.. except of course if you are just a random someone reading my blog.. but i can pray for you to if you like.
This is my little boy Lachlan. Now hasn't my son grown into a handsome looking young man? yeah you have to admit it.. Although he has this temper, i have no idea where he got that from.. but hopefully we manage to get that out of his real quick.
My Dad is getting re assesed on friday. He has frontal lobe dementia and has shown agressive and manic behaviour, which is a new symptom for my dad. They need to find out how far he has deteriorated since he was placed in the nursing home. Christmas eve Dad ran away from home i guess you would call it, to him he was going for a walk but he can't comphrehend why he isn't allowed to do that at 2 am. He was back home safe and well before we called the police, that was the first sign that Dad was getting worse.
On friday i see my lawyer about DNA testing for my son, his biological father has decided to take things the long and hard way and not co-operate. So now i have to take him to court to get them to order the test be done. I know that in the first place i shouldn't of lied, but i am now enduring the consequences of it. I just pray that it all finishes soon.
On tuesday i am taking Lami to lunch. Just Lami, Lachlan and myself because the other 2 children will be at school. It will give Lami and i some time to relax and enjoy a nice meal together that neither of us have to prepare =)
Congrats to Katie for getting into Mercy. Love ya honey. Do what ya need to do and remember do it for you.
I'll speak to you all soon
yay!! its heaps good that ur back online again!! *hugz*
yeah, i'll admit that Lachie is a cutie :)
hope all goes well with ur dad, and with the DNA testing.
have a great time on tuesday, and dont get into too much mischief (hahaha as if u wont!)
and thanx, love ya 2
you have fun tuesday to young missy! Remember God has his hand on you and there is nothing to be scared of. I am sure your sis will bring Gemea to see u too....
Lachlan is sooo gorgeous. Must take after his mummy ;)
Good luck with the lawyers and I hope your dad is ok
yuppers, he's gorgeous alright! :)
ditto, hope & pray things work out OK *hugs*
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