Paul has been sending text messages once again today.
He likes to try and make me feel intimidated and tries his best to scare me.
By now he should know his threats to harm me do not bother me.
I think he is a weakling and that his mouth talks more verbal diorreah than anyone i have ever meet.
As a mother i will do what it takes to protect my son from harm.
Whether the harm be physical or emotional.
I have been the one who nurtured Lachlan from birth.
I have been the provider, the one that has feed, clothed, nurtured, cleaned, loved and proted him. I am the one that wipes his nose, i am the one who looks after him when he is sick and i am the one who brushes him down if he falls over.
Paul never cared about anyone other than Paul.
Certainly never cared about Lachlan!
Legally i don't think i can stop Paul from seeing Lachlan.
But i will fight my hardest to stop him seeing him.
Please keep praying for us and the situation.
I just wish Paul would go away.
It really is in the best interest of Lachlan right now not to have him in his life.