In our lives there is a time when we look and question ourselves.
We question ourselves on our body image, our clothes, our finances and many other things.
I confess i do all of the above things at times.
I have looked in the mirror and seen a image caused by my distorted mind at that time.
I have cried at times i have felt sad because i thought i never looked pretty enough.
I have gotten upset because i never had the clothes i wanted, or never had money to buy them.
I spent alot of my life doing these things, worrying about stupid pathetic things.
On the way home today, i walked with the sun beaming off my skin.
The warmth embraced me and i smiled freely with happiness.
For a moment in my life i let go and just enjoyed what i had.
Life felt perfect for that time i let go.
I was pushing my very own son, who was being good at the time.
I was wearing nice clothes and never felt self concious.
I felt beautiful, and as i took a deep breathe i breathed in the love of God.
God had been waiting for me to step into him.
Waiting to embrace his daughter..
I found some notes i will share with you.
(to each person these notes may mean something different, open your heart and let the holy spirit guide you to what they mean for you)1. Choose to be a leader.
2. Choose to be a buider.
3. Choose to restore.
4. Choose to do what is right.
5. Choose those who influence you.
6. Choose to seek God.
7. Choose to be inspired.
I have made mistakes, i have been unchrist like in area's of my life. I pray i will become more Christ like and Christ focused and not self centered.