I actually enjoyed the church service very much today.
The worship was good and the preaching was good too...
I actually had a personal revelation that came with Pastor Paul preaching.
There were two things involved in my revelations today, they were parenting and death.
A baby was dedicated in the church today, and the passage read was Proverbs 22:6
Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.
This was a word given to me not long after i had Lachlan, by a friend of mine. I had forgotten about it until today. God revealed to my heart habits that need working on in my life, because the habits we have in our lives can be passed to our children. Also the qualities i want my son to see in his Mum. So, yes i do need work. I don't expect to be perfect but it would be nice to act on these revelations.
The other thing Pastor Paul spoke about today that really hit home was forgiveness and judgement. Now i will confess. I have been scared of death as far back as i remember, and even since i was a christian that fear remained. Topped with more fear about being Judged by God. They way i seen it was i was going to be infront of all of these people, being judged for all the wrong things i have previously done and will do in the future (we all sin).
All this time i have worried myself about this, why was i not thinking about the fact i am forgiven? I am saved! My debt was paid with the blood of Jesus Christ. His death wasn't for nothing, it was so I could have life. When i get to Heaven i have no reason to be scared.
I feel a huge weight lifted from my shoulders, because i realise the things i was worried about are things i have been forgiven for. Things i have truely repented for. When i get to Heaven i am not going to be punished and other things... I am living for Christ, I made a choice. He died for me, now i chose to live for Him!
I am glad you had such a amazing revelation.
It takes such revelations to change and shape us.
They never stop :-)
I am glad for that.
Praise Jesus
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