I chose this book, because as much as i like to think i can do without reading it- i can't.
I have a desire to not only remain abstient from sex,but to maintain a pure heart and also pure thoughts. Recently i can admit, my thoughts have slipped backwards recently.
No i'm not obsessed about sex, a relationship, naked men or anything like that. However i have thought about a guy in an inappropriate way.
I am more than aware that my thoughts aren't pure and i need to stop them. I can't do it by my own strength but i can with the strength of Jesus. That is why i have started to pray about my thoughts, talk to my non christian friends about Jesus more and my morals and read this book.
I find no shame in admitting that i have been struggling with this for about 6 months, I'm not proud of my thoughts, but i am proud of myself for being able to stand and be real. To show other christians i do struggle like any other human being, i'm not gonna hide this struggle but share it.
The other day i read a christian avatar that said do not pollute your mind. I found it to be very eye opening. Look at the world we live in today, sex is on television as if it is a general activity to take part in, people have sex on trains infront of people, and people are easily exposed to sexual material.
I know it takes a choice. I know i am forced to make a choice not to look in the direction of the magazine when i got to the local petrol station because along side of the Cleo, Girlfriend and all the others is the pornography. I chose when i come on the internet not to look at pornography or sites that contain sexual material. We are all faced with little challenges in life, we are responsible for our choices. In a way the world is partly responsible for making the material available, but when you make the choice not to follow the crowd, you can stand proud.
So now i pick up the book and read again, knowing that i will find answers and comfort in knowing and reading stories from people who also struggle. I love being a real christian.
There is no shame in me.
Let me read that book wen ya finished!
preach it, sister!!
It IS ridiculous how our society throws sex in our faces.... sooo bad for purity.
Worse, it stops us from seeing people (including ourselves) as people, created in God's image - instead we end up comparing them with the image of a model on a bilboard. Grrr!
I want my kids to grow up in world that doesn't force demeaning, perverted images on them while they shop, surf the net or simply drive to school. Is it possible? Can we wake up to ourselves?
Yes Honey, God loves us no matter what.
He knows that these days the world is more saturated with sexual stuff than it ever has been, but he also wants us to Lean on Him. Draw strength from Him without doing it alone.
It's good to be real though and share these struggles with friends, how many other people struggle with the same issues but won't speak up 'coz of fear of what people will think.
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